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Lehigh Carbon Community College

Directions: Click on the “Experiment Title” link to the lab that you wish to preview. The webpage provides a description of the experiment with correlations to state and national science standards. After you submit a SIM request to borrow equipment or obtain the services of the Mobile Educator, then you will be emailed both the student and teacher versions of the experiment in Word format. You may edit the lab to meet your specific needs and make copies for use with your classes.

Biology with Vernier Lab Experiments

‘ + Biology with Vernier Lab Experiments + ‘
1 Energy in Food Go Direct® Temperature Probe
2 Limitations on Cell Size: Surface Area to Volume Go Direct® Conductivity Probe
3 Acids and Bases Go Direct® pH Sensor
4 Diffusion through Membranes Go Direct® Conductivity Probe
5 Conducting Solutions Go Direct® Conductivity Probe
6A Enzyme Action: Testing Catalase Activity Go Direct® O2 Gas Sensor
6B Enzyme Action: Testing Catalase Activity Go Direct® Gas Pressure Sensor
7 Photosynthesis Go Direct® Colorimeter
8 The Effect of Alcohol on Biological Membranes Go Direct® Colorimeter
9 Biological Membranes Go Direct® Colorimeter
10 Transpiration Go Direct® Gas Pressure Sensor
11A Cell Respiration (O2) Go Direct® O2 Gas Sensor
11B Cell Respiration (CO2) Go Direct® CO2 Gas Sensor
11C Cell Respiration (Pressure) Go Direct® Gas Pressure Sensor (2)
11D Cell Respiration (CO2 and O2) Go Direct® CO2 Gas Sensor, Go Direct® O2 Gas Sensor
12A Respiration of Sugars by Yeast Go Direct® CO2 Gas Sensor
12B Sugar Fermentation Go Direct® Gas Pressure Sensor
13 Population Dynamics Go Direct® Colorimeter
14 Interdependence of Plants and Animals Go Direct® Optical Dissolved Oxygen Probe, Go Direct® pH Sensor
15 Biodiversity and Ecosystems Go Direct® Temperature Probe
16A Effect of Temperature on Respiration Go Direct® CO2 Gas Sensor
16B Effect of Temperature on Fermentation Go Direct® Gas Pressure Sensor
17 Aerobic Respiration Go Direct® Optical Dissolved Oxygen Probe, Go Direct® Temperature Probe
18 Acid Rain Go Direct® pH Sensor
19 Dissolved Oxygen in Water Go Direct® Optical Dissolved Oxygen Probe
20 Watershed Testing Go Direct® Conductivity Probe, Go Direct® Optical Dissolved Oxygen Probe, Go Direct® pH Sensor
21 Physical Profile of a Lake Go Direct® Conductivity Probe, Go Direct® Optical Dissolved Oxygen Probe, Go Direct® pH Sensor, Water Depth Sampler
22 Osmosis Go Direct® Gas Pressure Sensor
23A Effect of Temperature on Cold-Blooded Organisms Go Direct® O2 Gas Sensor
23B Effect of Temperature on Cold-Blooded Organisms Go Direct® CO2 Gas Sensor
24A Lactase Action Go Direct® CO2 Gas Sensor
24B Lactase Action Go Direct® Gas Pressure Sensor
25 Primary Productivity Go Direct® Optical Dissolved Oxygen Probe, Primary Productivity Kit
26 Control of Human Respiration Go Direct® Respiration Belt
27 Heart Rate and Physical Fitness Go Wireless® Heart Rate
28 Monitoring EKG Go Direct® EKG Sensor
29 Ventilation and Heart Rate Go Wireless® Heart Rate
30 Oxygen Gas and Human Respiration Go Direct® O2 Gas Sensor
31A Photosynthesis and Respiration (O2) Go Direct® O2 Gas Sensor
31B Photosynthesis and Respiration (CO2) Go Direct® CO2 Gas Sensor
31C Photosynthesis and Respiration (CO2 and O2) Go Direct® CO2 Gas Sensor, Go Direct® O2 Gas Sensor


Directions: Click on the”Experiment Title” link to the lab that you wish to preview. The webpage provides a description of the experiment with correlations to state and national science standards. After you submit a SIM request to borrow equipment or obtain the services of the Mobile Educator, then you will be emailed both the student and teacher versions of the experiment in Word format. You may edit the lab to meet your specific needs and make copies for use with your classes.

Investigating Biology through Inquiry

‘ + Investigating Biology through Inquiry + ‘
1 Buffer Investigations Go Direct® pH Sensor
2 Diffusion Go Direct® Conductivity Probe
3 Investigating Osmosis Go Direct® Gas Pressure Sensor
4 Chemistry of Membranes Go Direct® SpectroVis® Plus Spectrophotometer
5 Investigating Protein Go Direct® SpectroVis® Plus Spectrophotometer
6A Testing Catalase Activity (O2 Gas Sensor) Go Direct® O2 Gas Sensor
6B Testing Catalase Activity (Gas Pressure) Go Direct® Gas Pressure Sensor
6C Testing Enzyme Activity (Spectrometer) Go Direct® SpectroVis® Plus Spectrophotometer
7 Introduction to Biofuels: Enzyme Action Go Direct® SpectroVis® Plus Spectrophotometer
8 Analysis of Enzymes using Tyrosinase Go Direct® SpectroVis® Plus Spectrophotometer
9 Cellular Respiration Go Direct® CO2 Gas Sensor
10A Sugar Metabolism with Yeast (Carbon Dioxide Gas) Go Direct® CO2 Gas Sensor, Go Direct® Temperature Probe
10B Sugar Metabolism with Yeast (Ethanol) Go Direct® Ethanol Vapor
11 Fermentation with Yeast Go Direct® Temperature Probe, Go Direct® Gas Pressure Sensor
12 Photosynthesis by Chloroplasts Go Direct® SpectroVis® Plus Spectrophotometer
13 Transpiration of Plants Go Direct® Gas Pressure Sensor
14 Plant Pigments Go Direct® SpectroVis® Plus Spectrophotometer
15 Heart Rate Go Wireless® Heart Rate
16 Investigating Dissolved Oxygen Go Direct® Optical Dissolved Oxygen Probe
17 Investigating Primary Productivity Go Direct® Optical Dissolved Oxygen Probe
18 Modeling Population Dynamics No probeware used
19 Water Monitoring Go Direct® pH Sensor, Go Direct® Conductivity Probe, Go Direct® Optical Dissolved Oxygen Probe
20 Evolution of Cellobiase in Fungi Go Direct® SpectroVis® Plus Spectrophotometer
21 Introduction to Molecular Evolution
22 Evolution of Yeast Go Direct® CO2 Gas Sensor


Directions: Click on the”Experiment Title” link to the lab that you wish to preview. The webpage provides a description of the experiment with correlations to state and national science standards. After you submit a SIM request to borrow equipment or obtain the services of the Mobile Educator, then you will be emailed both the student and teacher versions of the experiment in Word format. You may edit the lab to meet your specific needs and make copies for use with your classes.

Advanced Biology with Vernier Lab Experiments

‘ + Advanced Biology with Vernier Lab Experiments + ‘
1A Diffusion through Membranes Conductivity Probe
1B Osmosis Gas Pressure Sensor
2A Enzyme Action: Testing Catalase Activity O2 Gas Sensor
2B Enzyme Action: Testing Catalase Activity Gas Pressure Sensor
3 Mitosis & Meiosis
4A Plant Pigment Chromatography
4B Photosynthesis Go Direct® SpectroVis® Plus Spectrophotometer
5A Cell Respiration (CO2 and O2) CO2 Gas Sensor, O2 Gas Sensor
5B Cell Respiration (CO2) CO2 Gas Sensor
5C Cell Respiration (O2) O2 Gas Sensor
5D Cell Respiration (Pressure) Gas Pressure Sensor
6A pGLO™ Bacterial Transformation Blue Digital Bioimaging System
6B Analysis of Precut Lambda DNA Blue Digital Bioimaging System
6B Forensic DNA Fingerprinting Blue Digital Bioimaging System
7 Genetics of Drosophila
8 Population Genetics and Evolution
9 Transpiration Gas Pressure Sensor
10A Blood Pressure as a Vital Sign Blood Pressure Sensor
10B Heart Rate and Physical Fitness Hand-Grip Heart Rate Monitor
11 Animal Behavior
12A Dissolved Oxygen in Water Vernier Optical DO Probe, Stainless Steel Temperature Probe
12B Primary Productivity Vernier Optical DO Probe, Primary Productivity Kit
13 The Visible Spectra of Plant Pigments Go Direct® SpectroVis® Plus Spectrophotometer
14 Determination of Chlorophyll in Olive Oil Go Direct® SpectroVis® Plus Spectrophotometer
15 Enzyme Analysis using Tyrosinase Go Direct® SpectroVis® Plus Spectrophotometer
16 Introduction to Neurotransmitters using AChE Go Direct® SpectroVis® Plus Spectrophotometer
17 Macromolecules: Experiments with Protein Go Direct® SpectroVis® Plus Spectrophotometer

**Living organisms currently not in stock

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